Tuesday, September 4, 2012

All About Me

Hi. My name is LaKrisha Dedeaux. I am currently a junior here at University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast working on getting my degree in elementary education. I have a 2 year old daughter named Emma Ruth who inspires me to better myself every day. I have an awesome fiance' named John who is my rock. We are getting married in 39 days and I absolutely cannot wait. I have a very big family and they are my biggest support system. Without them I am not sure where I would be. As far as teaching goes, I hope to one day be a 3rd grade teacher. There is something about that age group that really makes me have a preference to teach them. This class is probably going to be very difficult for me because my technology knowledge is very minimal. I know how to get on my email, get on blackboard, type in Word, and get on Facebook. Anything beyond those things is quite a stretch. I have even gone so far as to get my younger cousins who are about 13 years old to help me when I have computer problems. I think technology is very important in today's world, especially in the classroom. I really need to brush up on my skills because I do not think there is a way to reach all of the students in a classroom without some sort of technology of some form.

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