Turnitin is an online source that teachers can use to check to see if their students plagarize in a composition or essay. It scans the submitted paper to see if there are any similarities between it and another source. The settings can be changed to be more strict or lenient when scanning the paper.
After it has reviewed the entire paper, it gives a percentage of what was plagarized. When I did my plagarized submission, I copy and pasted every single word but it only gave me an 87% plagarism readout. When I submitted the second report that was my own words, I got a 0% plagarism readout. This means that I didn't plagarize anything.
This would be a very helpful tool to make sure that students are using their own words and ideas when writing.This assignment relates to the NETS-T standards #4 that is about
"Promoting and Modeling Digital Citizenship and Responsibility. Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethic behavior in their professional practices. Teachers advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology including respect for copyright, individual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources."
This is what it will look like when you submit your paper. It will give a percentage of how much was plagarized. Mine was 87%.
This is what an unplagarized copy looks like. Mine was 0%
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